About Music Ancestry

MusicAncestry.com is a crowdsourced website in which the data is provided by and collaboratively verified for authenticity by the page administrators and users. It is designed to make collecting information effortless where users from across the world can contribute information using trustworthy sources and firsthand verification. While there are various traditional research avenues to explore and research, it is a time-consuming obstacle with little information compiled in one place that is specifically relevant to hierarchy and pedagogy. Often the fruit of these extensive efforts come up with little to no information without direct consultation with the individual teachers and students involved, which can be complicated and time consuming. With Music Ancestry as a resource, musicians save time and have instant access to a wealth of knowledge.

Music Ancestry strives to fulfill its vision to create a knowledge database of music pedagogical lineage available to the entire online music community for free. This aligns with our values to support free knowledge, create connections, and provide direct support to music communities. Besides expanding the variety of services the website can offer, we plan to adapt to shifting trends in technology, ensure that we meet the needs of the users, and continue to provide reliable, transparent and neutral information. Music Ancestry is an organic social platform. Not only does it navigate the past, Music Ancestry is guided to the future by showcasing the diverse musicians of today.

Research Committee:

  • Christopher Allpress
  • Juan José Rosales Calvo
  • Sophie Caplin
  • Seth Dempsey
  • Daniel Deutsch
  • Victoria Deutsch
  • David Fazekaz
  • Patricia García Gil
  • Tyler Goodwin-Souffront
  • Rachael Keplin
  • Joey Lavarias
  • Ryan Matejek
  • Lance Morrison
  • Lorenzo Nigrelli
  • Lupita Ramos
  • Libby Roberts
  • Sydney Scherer
  • Cameron Tubbs
  • Jonah Zimmerman